Cheers to a Happier 2018! Some Things That Made Us Happy in 2017

As we reflect on the year that was, and look ahead to what will be, we wanted to share some of what crossed our screen making us happy in 2017.


Radio from Around the World

Bringing the world a little bit closer, spin the globe to tune into a radio station and hear what they are listening to ‘over there’.







We love the perseverance of this guy.  


Three Ways:
The Old Fashioned

An old fashioned is a good standard, but to give a bit of a twist here are some tips.






When the Moon Obscured the Sun

A big event of the summer season was the eclipse. Here's the view we had in Seattle.


Generative Art

Generative art is compelling because they are most often highly ordered yet simple systems where the author cedes some control over the final product, this site gives a peek at some works we enjoyed.







12th-Century Iranian Poem
A Vision Of Solidarity We Need Today

The poem in this piece has a great introduction but it is a reminder from the past of how to bridge boundaries.



This Little Bird

Enjoying the simple things in life.


Gravitational Waves:
Ripples in Spacetime

Three billion years ago, two black holes  collided, sending a shockwave through the universe. Since then, life on Earth evolved to detect it right as it passed by.     



Comet Oumuamua

The first interstellar object ever observed in our solar system passed right through and didn't even hit us!


Alka Tandan